Graduate Course Descriptions

Algebraic Topology I (3.00)

MATH 7800

Topics include the fundamental group, covering spaces, covering transformations, the universal covering spaces, graphs and subgroups of free groups, and the fundamental groups of surfaces. Additional topics will be from homology, including chain complexes, simplicial and singular homology, exact sequences and excision, cellular homology, and classical applications. Prerequisite: MATH 5352, 5770, or equivalent.

Algebraic Topology II (3.00)

MATH 7810

Devoted to chomology theory: cohomology groups, the universal coefficient theorem, the Kunneth formula, cup products, the cohomology ring of manifolds, Poincare duality, and other topics if time permits. Prerequisite: MATH 7800.

Differential Topology (3.00)

MATH 7820

Topics include smooth manifolds and functions, tangent bundles and vector fields, embeddings, immersions, transversality, regular values, critical points, degree of maps, differential forms, de Rham cohomology, and connections. Prerequisite: MATH 5310, 5770, or equivalent.

Fiber Bundles (3.00)

MATH 7830

Examines fiber bundles; induced bundles, principal bundles, classifying spaces, vector bundles, and characteristic classes, and introduces K-theory and Bott periodicity. Prerequisite: MATH 7800.

Homotopy Theory (3.00)

MATH 7840

Definition of homotopy groups, homotopy theory of CW complexes, Huriewich theorem and Whitehead's theorem, Eilenberg-Maclane spaces, fibration and cofibration sequences, Postnikov towers, and obstruction theory. Prerequisite: MATH 7800.

Partial Differential Equations (3.00)

MATH 8250

Theory of distributions. Sobolev spaces and their properties (trace and embedding theorems). Theory of elliptic equations. Time-dependent partial differential equations: parabolic and hyperbolic equations. Topics in nonlinear partial differential equations. Prerequisites: MATH 7410 and 7250.

Topics in Function Theory (3.00)

MATH 8300

Topics in real and complex function theory.

Operator Theory I, II (3.00)

MATH 8310

Topics in the theory of operators on a Hilbert space and related areas of function theory.

Operator Theory I, II (3.00)

MATH 8320

Topics in the theory of operators on a Hilbert space and related areas of function theory.

Stochastic Calculus and Differential Equations (3.00)

MATH 8360

This course presents the basic theory of stochastic differential equations and provides examples of its applications. It is an essential topic for students preparing to do research in probability. Topics covered include a review of the relevant stochastic process and martingale theory; stochastic calculus including Ito's formula; existence and uniqueness for stochastic differential equations, strong Markov property; and applications. Prerequisite: MATH 7360 and 7370, or instructor permission.

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