Graduate Course Descriptions

Topics in Probability Theory (3.00)

MATH 8370

Selected topics in probability. Prerequisite: MATH 7360 or instructor permission.

Harmonic Analysis (3.00)

MATH 8400

Studies Banach and C* algebras, topological vector spaces, locally compact groups, Fourier analysis.

Topics in Mathematical Physics (3.00)

MATH 8450

Applies functional analysis to physical problems; scattering theory, statistical mechanics, and quantum field theory.

New Course in Mathematics (1.00 - 4.00)

MATH 8559

This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in the subject of mathematics.

Commutative Algebra (3.00)

MATH 8600

The foundations of commutative algebra, algebraic number theory, or algebraic geometry.

Algebraic Geometry (3.00)

MATH 8620

Studies the foundations of algebraic geometry.

Algebraic K-Theory (3.00)

MATH 8650

Includes projective class groups and Whitehead groups; Milnor's K2 and symbols; higher K-theory and finite fields.

Lie Groups (3.00)

MATH 8700

Studies basic results concerning Lie groups, Lie algebras, and the correspondence between them.

Lie Algebras (3.00)

MATH 8710

Studies basic structure theory of Lie algebras.

Differential Geometry (3.00)

MATH 8720

Studies differential geometry in the large; connections; Riemannian geometry; Gauss-Bonnet formula; and differential forms.

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