Colloquium (Thursdays at 4:00 in KER 317)
Refreshments served at 3:30.
Algebra Seminar (Wednesdays and some Fridays, 3:30-4:30pm, Kerchof 317)
Galois-Grothendieck Seminar (Tuesday at 3:30pm,New Cabel Hall, 338; Wednesdays at 11:00am Monroe Hall 122) This is an expository seminar about various aspects of Galois theory and arithmetic geometry. Each semester/year has a coherent program, with graduate students contributing many of the talks. The topic for 2015-16 is Galois cohomology, Brauer groups, and class field theory.
Geometry Seminar (Tuesdays at 2:00 in KER 317)
Homepage : The Geometry Seminar talks usually focus on aspects of low-dimensional topology and geometry, including knot theory and categorification, Floer homology, 3- and 4-dimensional manifolds, and symplectic and contact topology. The lectures are often given by outside speakers, however UVa graduate students and faculty give talks as well.
Graduate Seminar (Fridays at 2:30 in KER 317)
The Graduate Seminar provides a friendly atmosphere for grad students to give talks about current interests, research, or teaching. This seminar is for grad students only and encourages audience participation while keeping the intensity level below that of other seminars. .
Harmonic Analysis and PDEs (Tuesdays at 4:00 in KER 317)
Harmonic Analysis and PDEs seminar features a mix of local speakers (graduate students and faculty) and visitors. The ideal topics live on the interface between the two fields; luckily, the interface has been steadily expanding.
Mathematical Physics Seminar (Wednesdays and some Fridays at 2:00 in KER 326)
The Mathematical Physics Seminar features talks on a wide variety of topics such as, for instance, Schrödinger operators, the mathematics of quantum systems, statistical mechanics, the renormalization group and quantum field theory. Lectures typically are of research level and are given by local as well as outside speakers. Graduate students in mathematical physics are encouraged to give presentations at this seminar about their ongoing research. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Operator Theory and Operator Algebras Seminar (Tuesdays at 4:00 in KER 326)
The Seminar in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras in recent semesters has covered a wide variety of topics in functional analysis, including C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras, composition operators, Banach spaces, noncommutative convexity, and applications of complex function theory. Most lectures are research level, but we also feature expository talks.
Probability Seminar (Wednesdays at 4:30 in KER 326)
The Probability Seminar is the place to see talks on active research topics in probability theory, as well as informal discussions of basic notions of probability. We typically have invited speakers every 2-3 weeks presenting a wide array of research in probability. Most other weeks are informal discussions led by local participants, often graduate students discussing recently studied topics. The seminar is open to all. Feel free to attend regularly or occasionally. [Please see the online schedule for upcoming talks. You can also let the organizers know if you would like to be on the mailing list.]
Topology Seminar (Thursdays at 2:00 in KER 326)
Topology Seminar talks are on recent developments in algebraic topology—including homotopy theory, ordinary and extraordinary homology and cohomology, cobordism theory, and K-theory—and related subjects like differential topology and homological algebra.