If you need help with a math course, the Math Tutoring Center operates all 7 days of the week.
Tutor Application
If you feel a private tutor would be beneficial, please call the Department (434-924-4919) or email math-help@virginia.edu.
Employment Opprotunities For Graduates
The Mathematics Research Group at the National Security (NSA) offers two exceptional summer Programs for undergraduate and graduate mathematics students.
This programs offer a unique opportunity for graduate students to work directly with NSA mathematicians on mission-critical problems and experience the excitement of the NSA mathematics community.
Please click here: Graduate Mathematics Program (GMP)
Employment Opprotunities For Undergraduates
The Mathematics Research Group at the National Security (NSA) offers two exceptional summer Programs for undergraduate and graduate mathematics students.
Both programs offer a unique opportunity for students to work directly with NSA mathematicians on mission-critical problems and experience the excitement of the NSA mathematics community.
Please click here: Undergraduate Director's Summer Program (DSP).
Welcome to the Department of Mathematics! Below is some information to get you started.
University ID and Computing: New faculty/staff begin here: http://its.virginia.edu/accounts/facstaffaccounts.html
Software Central (http://www.its.virginia.edu/central/) provides access to site-licensed software that can be distributed to members of the University at no charge. Our local IT is Sarah Kent (sgk4n@virginia.edu, room 116, Kerchof Hall).
Setting up Direct Deposit: In order to set up direct deposit for your paycheck, you will need to have an account on the University’s Integrated System: http://www.virginia.edu/integratedsystem/.
Teaching: SIS (Student Information System) at UVa. Instructors use SIS to generate class rosters and submit grades. http://sis.virginia.edu/
Collab: (Online Collaboration and Learning Environment) Instructors may create course sites with official class rosters. We encourage all instructors to load their syllabus and other coursework on Collab rather than making copies. https://collab.itc.virginia.edu/portal
Books: The Department will provide instructors with desk copies for their courses. See the front office (room 216).
Graders: The Department provides graders for courses in the 2000-5000 level with good enrollment (> 20). Grader applications are held by Zvezdana Kish (room 214). You may search the applications, select a grader, and contact the student to confirm. The grader obtains a book from the front office (room 216) and sees Zvezdana Kish (214) to complete paperwork.
Course Enrollments: Students enroll in their courses through SIS. SIS maintains waiting lists for courses and automatically enrolls waitlisted students as space comes available. Situations may arise when students cannot enroll through SIS and need a Course Action Form signed to put them in your class. Students should submit signed Course Action Forms to the front office (room 216).
Scheduling Classrooms: If your classroom is not the right size or you wish to reserve a classroom for a review session, makeup exam, etc., see the front office (room 216).
Copying Exams: The Department has a copier/scanner (room 203) and floor printers (rooms 313, 118) for printing. You should be able to print from your office computer to any of these printers. To use the copier, you need to obtain the passcode from Zvezdana Kish (room 214). There is also a copier in the Library (room 107); obtain a copy card from Zvezdana Kish (room 214). Large print jobs may be sent to the Copy Center through Allison Boese (room 216).
Telephone: To make a call within the University, dial the last 5 digits of the number (ex. 4-4900). To call outside the University, dial 9 for an outside line. To make long distance calls, please request an FAC number from Zvezdana Kish (room 214).
Mailboxes: Everyone has a mailbox in the mailroom (off the Lobby on the main floor).
Supply Room (220): The Supply Room has paper, pens, chalk, toner cartridges, and other supplies. There is also a refrigerator, microwave, and FAX machine. You may check out a projector with Allison Boese (room 216).