Graduate Program

The Mathematics Department administers programs leading to Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in mathematics. These programs provide diverse opportunities for advanced study and research in areas of algebra, analysis, topology, and the history of mathematics. The Mathematics Department has 27 tenured and tenure-track faculty, nearly a dozen postdoctoral instructors and visitors, and 40 graduate students, creating a close-knit community of faculty and students.

The research of the faculty represents numerous subfields of mathematics. In algebra, these include linear and arithmetic groups and associated structures, representation theory, commutative algebra,  algebraic geometry, number theory, combinatorics, and geometric group theory. In analysis, subfields include probability, mathematical physics, partial differential equations, operator theory, and harmonic analysis. The topology group includes specialists in both algebraic topology and geometric topology, and has connections to category theory and differential geometry. In our history of mathematics program, emphasis is on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Besides a series of colloquium lectures, there are also weekly research seminars in algebra, differential equations, geometry, mathematical physics, operator theory, probability, and topology. The graduate student seminar serves as a meeting place for graduate students and junior faculty to talk about mathematics.

The Department and Mathematics Library are located in Kerchof Hall.

There is a well-equipped computing laboratory available to faculty and graduate students, as well as a computer in every office.


This is a copy of the pre-2017 Department website. Click here for the new website