Studies the basic principles of linear analysis, including spectral theory of compact and selfadjoint operators. Prerequisite: MATH 7340 and 7310, or equivalent.
Studies the basic principles of linear analysis, including spectral theory of compact and selfadjoint operators. Prerequisite: MATH 7340 and 7310, or equivalent.
Studies the spectral theory of unbounded operators, semigroups, and distribution theory. Prerequisite: MATH 7410 or equivalent.
An introduction to classical mechanics, with topics in statistical and quantum mechanics, as time permits. Prerequisite: MATH 5310.
This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in the subject of mathematics.
A continuation of the theory presented in MATH 5770 and 7800 intensively training students to apply the theory to proving theorems and solving problems in topology, especially in preparation for the General Examination in Topology. Problems are based on those from past General Exams. This course is offered in the summer and restricted to Mathematics and Graduate Arts and Science students.
Studies groups, rings, fields, modules, tensor products, and multilinear functions. Prerequisite: MATH 5651, 5652, or equivalent.
Studies groups, rings, fields, modules, tensor products, and multilinear functions. Prerequisite: MATH 5651, 5652, or equivalent.
Studies the Wedderburn theory, commutative algebra, and topics in advanced algebra. Prerequisite: MATH 7751, 7752, or equivalent.
Further topics in algebra.
A continuation of the theory presented in MATH 7751 and 7752 intensively training students to apply the theory to proving theorems in algebra, especially in preparation for the General Examination in Algebra. Problems are based on those from past General Exams. This course is offered in the summer and restricted to Mathematics and Graduate Arts and Science students.