AAO Probability and Statistics (3.00)
MATH 6670
Explores introductory descriptive statistics, probability, and statistical inference. Develops conceptual understanding and procedural fluency in problem settings based on real data which investigate the use of visual methods from summarizing quantitative information, basic experimental design, sampling methods, and interpretation of statistical analysis.
Geometry and Measurement for K-8 Math Specialists (3.00)
MATH 6700
Geometry for Teachers Leadership Institute (3.00)
MATH 6710
MM Number Systems for Middle School Teachers (3.00)
MATH 6720
MM Fractions, Decimals, and Percents for Middle School Teachers (3.00)
MATH 6730
MM Patterns, Relations, and Algebraic Concepts for Middle School Teachers (3.00)
MATH 6740
MM Geometric Concepts and Measurement for Middle School Teachers (3.00)
MATH 6750
MM Data Analysis, Probability, and Statistics for Middle School Teachers (3.00)
MATH 6760
Focuses on the representation of data for decision making and predictability based on data analysis as it relates to middle school mathematics and defined in the NCTM Professional Standards for School Mathematics and Virginia SOLS in Mathematics. Teachers deepen their understanding and use of the fundamental ideas in mathematics that underlie the probability and statistics strand.
Mathematical Applications Through Problem Solving and Lesson Study for Middle School Teachers (3.00)
MATH 6770
Teaching Mathematics to Diverse Populations (3.00)
MATH 6800