Graduate Course Descriptions

HQT Measurement and Geometry (3.00)

MATH 6457

HQT Data Analysis Probability and Statistics (3.00)

MATH 6458

HQT Fractions, Decimals, Perce (3.00)

MATH 6459

New Course in Mathematics (1.00 - 4.00)

MATH 6559

This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in the subject of mathematics.

Algebra for Middle School Specialists (3.00)

MATH 6600

AAO Elem Algebra and Functions (3.00)

MATH 6620

AAO Introductory College Algebra and Trigonometry (3.00)

MATH 6630

AAO Linear Algebra (3.00)

MATH 6640

AAO Calculus with Applications (3.00)

MATH 6650

Euclidean Geometry (3.00)

MATH 6660

This is a copy of the pre-2017 Department website. Click here for the new website