
Slava Krushkal a 2014 Simons Fellows Awardee

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Professor Slava Krushkal received a Simons Fellowship in Mathematics for 2014.  To honor the 2014 recipients, the Simons Foundation has placed an ad in the "Science Times" section of the New York Times (July 1 edition). 

The Simons Foundation: Advancing Research in Basic Science and Mathematics 

Du Receives 2014 Putnam Competition Award

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

2014 William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Award was given to undergraduate Haiguang Du for his outstanding score on the exam.

Khan Receives 2014 E. J. McShane Prize in Mathematics

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

2014 E. J. McShane Prize in Mathematics was given to Ahsan Zulfeqar Khan for his achievements in mathematics.

Parker Receives 2014 E. E. Floyd Prize in Mathematics

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

2014 Edwin E. Floyd Prize in Mathematics was given to Colin McKinon Parker. The prize is awarded to second- or third-year students who show exceptional promise in mathematics.

Mathematics Majors Dylan Weber and Matthew Peck Elected into Phi Beta Kappa

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mathematics majors Dylan Ellis Weber and Matthew Hamilton Peck have been elected into Phi Beta Kappa.

As the oldest and most distinguished honor society in the country, Phi Beta Kappa offers membership to less than one percent of all undergraduates. Many of the leading figures in American history and culture have begun their careers with election to the society, including seventeen presidents of the United States. As a result, membership is a remarkable accomplishment, both for the student who achieves it and the faculty and staff whose support and guidance has led to this milestone.


Conference: Harmonic Analysis and the Renormalization Group

Friday, April 18, 2014

The conference, Harmonic Analysis and the Renormalization Group, will take place April 18-21, 2014 at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

Conference website

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Awards for Mathematics

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Scott Atkinson is the recipient of this year's Department of Mathematics Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. Scott will now be nominated for the University-wide teaching award.

Additionally, Nathaniel Pappas, Joshua Parks, and Joshua Schwartz have been recognized with Honorable Mentions for their teaching achievements. 

Congratulations to all of these teaching assistants.


George Dyson: From Analog to Digital and Back

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

George Dyson, author of the New York Times bestseller, "Turing's Cathedral," will speak on "From Analog to Digital and Back: The View from 1946." The talke will be in Nau Hall 101 at 5:00 pm on April 9th.  Sponsored by the Departments of Mathematics, Computer Science, and History.  Organizer: David Sherman (434)924-7079. [Poster]



Vaughan Jones April 6th-8th, 2015

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Vaughan Jones (Vanderbilt University)

Lecture 1:  Knots and Groups
Date: Monday April 6, 2015
Time: 4:00-5:00 pm
Location: Clark Hall 108
Abstract: Knots are among the more concrete features in the mathematical landscape. Groups are more pervasive and more abstract. But the two subjects have been intimately connected since the early days of the study of both. After defining knots and groups we will give the first such connection-the “fundamental group” of the knot. This group is known to determine the knot but a construction is not immediate. The braid group is a concrete group with some structural resemblance to knots. We will show how all knots arise from elements of the braid group and how to learn things about the knot from its braid.  In particular a family of “knot polynomials” appears from this study.

Lecture 2: Von Neumann Algebra and Physics
Date; Tuesday April 7, 2015
Time: 5:00-6:00 pm
Location: Clark 108
Abstract:  The states of a quantum system are given by vectors in a Hilbert space with inner product < ξ, η >. Observables are self-adjoint operators on that Hilbert space. The fundamental formula connecting the two is that if a is an operator/observable and ξ; is a unit vector/state then < aξ, ξ > is a real number giving the average value of repeated measurements of the observable a if the system is prepared each time in the state ξ. Von Neumann introduced the algebras that bear his name in large part to help understand the mathematical structure of quantum theory. His prophetic ideas have been very fruitful in low dimensional quantum field theory and are intimately related to the knot polynomials of the first lecture.

Lecture 3: Do all Subfactors arise in Conformal Field Theory?
Date: Wednesday April 8, 2015
Time: 4:00-5:00 pm
Location: Monroe 130
Abstract: A subfactor is a pair of von Neumann algebras with trivial center (factors) one included in the other. A subfactor N ⊂ M has an index [M : N] which is a real number defined by von Neumann’s theory. For the most obvious examples of factors [M : N] is actually an integer but in fact it can be any number in the set {4(cos(π/n))2 : n = 3, 4, 5, 6, ...} ∪ [4, ∞]. Subfactors realising these values can be constructed from algebras of observables as in the second lecture. It is an open and intriguing question whether or not ALL subfactors (of finite index) can be obtained from quantum field theory. An attempt to take a continuum limit from the data of a subfactor has led to a new construction of knots and links from certain groups of homeomorphisms of the unit interval known as the Thompson groups.

Virginia Math Bulletin, issue no. 1

Monday, March 24, 2014

The first issue of the Department's newsletter Virginia Math Bulletin is now available.


This is a copy of the pre-2017 Department website. Click here for the new website