Graduate Course Descriptions

Thesis (3.00 - 12.00)

MATH 8995

Non-Topical Research, Preparation for Research (3.00 - 12.00)

MATH 8998

For master's research, taken before a thesis director has been selected.

Non-Topical Research (3.00 - 12.00)

MATH 8999

For master's thesis, taken under the supervision of a thesis director.

Mathematics Colloquium (0)

MATH 9000

Forum for invited speakers giving mathematical colloquium talks.

History of Mathematics Seminar (1.00 - 3.00)

MATH 9010

Discusses subjects from the history of mathematics.

Graduate Seminar (0)

MATH 9020

This is a meeting place for junior faculty members and graduate students to discuss mathematics and give talks reflecting the mathematical interests of the participants.

Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Seminar (3.00)

MATH 9250

Operator Theory Seminar (3.00)

MATH 9310

Probability Seminar (3.00)

MATH 9360

Analysis Seminar (3.00)

MATH 9410

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