Differential and Algebraic Riccati Equations with Applications to Boundary/Point Control Problems: Continuous Theory and Approximation Theory (with R. Triggiani), Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes 164, 1991, 160p.
Research monograph, Deterministic Control Theory for Infinite Dimensional Systems, vols. I and II (with R. Triggiani) Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Research monograph, Stabilization and Controllability of Nonlinear Control Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations (with R. Triggiani) in preparation under a contract from Kluwer Academic Publishers.
NSF-CMBS Lecture Notes: Mathematical Control Theory of Coupled PDE's, SIAM, 2002.
Functional Analytic Methods for Evolution Equations (co-authored with G. Da Prato, A. Lunardi, L. Weis, R. Schnaubelt), Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2004.
Tangential Boundary Stabilization of Navier-Stokes Equations (with V. Barbu and R. Triggiani), Memoirs of AMS, vol. 181, 2005.
Long-Time Behavior of Second-Order Equations with Nonlinear Damping (with I. Chueshov), Memoirs of AMS, Vol. 195, 2008.
Von Karman Evolutions (with I. Chueshov), Monograph Series, Springer Verlag, 2010.
SISSA Lecture Notes: Well-Posedness and Long-Time Behavior of Second-Order Evolutions with Critical Exponents, AMS Publishing, to appear.
Books edited
Control Problems for Systems Described by Partial Differential Equations and Applications (with R. Triggiani), Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes, Vol. 97, 1987.
Modelling and Inverse Problems of Control for Distributed Parameter Systems (with A. Kurzhanski), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 154, 1991.
Control Problems in Industry (with B. Morton), Birkhauser, Progress in Systems and Control Theory, Vol. 21, 1995.
Optimization Methods in PDE's (with S. Cox), Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, 1997.
System Modeling and Optimization (with A. Dontchev, P. Kall, A. Olbrot, and M. Polis), Research Notes in Mathematics Series, Chapman and Hall, 1999.
Control of Nonlinear Distributed Systems (with G. Chen and J. Zhou), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, Vol. 218, 2001.
Optimal Control of Complex Structures (with K-H. Hoffman, G. Leugering, J. Sprekels, F. Troltzsch), Birkhauser, Vol. 139, 2002.
Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems (with V. Barbu, D. Tiba, and C. Varasan), Kluwer AP, 2003.
Geometric Methods in Inverse Problems and Control Theory (with C. Cooke, G. Uhlmann, and M. Vogelious), Springer-Verlag, 2003.
Special issue of Control and Cybernetics (with Jan Sokolowski), dedicated to Prof. K. Malanowski, 32(3) (2003).
Control Methods in PDE-Dynamical Systems (with F. Ancona, W. Littman, and R. Triggiani), AMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, vol. 42.
Control Theory of PDEs, guest editor (with L. Pandolfi) for the special issue of the journal, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Springer Verlag, vol. 27, 2008.
Special two volumes for Applicationae Mathematicae, Vol. 35(3) and 35(4), 2008, Journal of Polish Academy of Sciences, funded in 1953 by H. Steinhaus.
Invited special issue, Qualitative Behavior of Nonlinear Evolutionary PDE's, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (co-edited with M. Nakao and G. Todorova), September 2009.
Advances in Dynamics and Control: Theory Methods and Applications (co-edited with S. Sivasundaram, J. Vasandhara, F. Udwadia), special volume in honor of A. V. Balakrishnan, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2010.
Progress in Analysis and its Applications, Prpceedings of the 7th ISAAC Congress. Chapter: Control and Optimization of Nonlinear Evolutionary Systems (with. F. Bucci), ISAACS, 2011.
Review papers
Boundary Stabilization Problems for Hyperbolic Dynamics - A Review, (invited review paper), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences '84, Systems Modelling and Optimization, Springer-Verlag (1986), pp. 499-522
Algebraic Riccati Equations arising in boundary/point control: A review of theoretical and numerical results Part I: continuous theory, Part II: Approximation theory (with R. Triggiani). Review paper: Perspectives in Control Theory, Birkhauser (1990), pp. 175-235.
Recent advances in regularity of second-order hyperbolic mixed problems and applications (with R. Triggiani), invited review paper for the series Dynamics Reported, Springer-Verlag 3 (1994), pp. 104-162.
Riccati Equations arising from boundary and point control problems. Invited review paper for ITSIRIA Conference Analysis and Optimization of Systems, LNCIS, Springer-Verlag 185 (1993), pp. 23-46.
Control of Systems Governed by PDE's: A historical perspective, invited paper for the 34th IEEE-CDC Conference (1995), pp. 2792-2795.
The case of differential geometry in the control of single and coupled PDE's, the structural acoustic chamber (with R. Gulliver, W. Littman, and R. Triggiani), The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Springer-Verlag 137 (2003), pp. 73-183.
Refereed journal articles
Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Optimal Control of Systems with Delay, Archiwum AiT, No. 4, 1973).
Conical Approximations of Sets, Control and Cybernetics, 4(3-4) (1975).
Finite Difference Approximation of Optimal Control for Systems Described by Nonlinear Differential Equations with Delay, Control and Cybernetics, 5(1) (1976), pp. 35-67.
On Regularity of Solutions to Convex Optimal Control Problems with Control Constraints for Parabolic Systems, with K. Malanowski, Control and Cybernetics, 6(3-4) (1977), pp. 57-74.
Generalizations of Dubovitsky-Mulutyn Conditions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 24(3) (1978), pp. 421-436.
On Discrete-Time Ritz-Galerkin Approximation of Optimal Control Problems with Control Constraints for Parabolic Systems, with K. Malanowski, Control and Cybernetics, 7(1) (1978), pp. 20-37.
Boundary control problems: Regularity of optimal solutions,Applied Mathematics and Optimization 4 (1978), pp. 301-327.
State Constrained Control Problems for Parabolic Systems: Regularity of Optimal Solutions, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6 (1980), pp. 1-29.
Boundary Control for Parabolic Systems: Finite Element Approximation, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6 (1980), pp. 31-62.
A Unified Theory for Abstract Parabolic Boundary Problems: A Semi-Group Approach, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6 (1980), pp. 287-333.
A Cosine Operator Approach to Modelling L2(0,T;L2W)) boundary Input Hyperbolic Equations (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Optimization 7 (1981), pp. 35-83.
Hyperbolic Equations with Dirichlet Boundary Feedback via Position Vector: Regularity and Almost Periodic Stabilization, Part 1 (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Optimization 8 (1981), pp. 1-37.
Hyperbolic Equations with Dirichlet Boundary Feedback via Position Vector: Regularity and Almost Periodic Stabilization, Part II (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Optimization 8 (1982), pp. 103-130.
Hyperbolic Equations with Dirichlet Boundary Feedback via Position Vector: Regularity and Almost Periodic Stabilization, Part III (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Optimization 8, pp. 199-221 (1982).
Structural Assignment of Neumann Boundary Feedback Parabolic Equations (with R. Triggiani), Annali Mat. Pura e Appl. (IV) XXXII, pp. 131-175 (1982).
Stabilization and Structural Assignment of Dirichlet Boundary Feedback Parabolic Equations (with R. Triggiani), SIAM J. Control 21(5, pp. 766-803 (1983).
Feedback Semigroups and Cosine Operators for Boundary Feedback Parabolic and Hyperbolic Equations (with R. Triggiani), Journal Diff. Equations 47(2), pp. 246-272 (1983).
Stabilization of Neumann Boundary Feedback Parabolic Equations: The Case of Trace in the Feedback Loop (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Optimization 10, pp. 307-350 (1983).
Dirichlet Boundary Control Problem for Parabolic Equations with Quadratic Cost: Analyticity and Riccati Feedback Synthesis (with R. Triggiani), SIAM J. Control and Optimization 21(1) (1983), pp. 41-67.
Regularity of Hyperbolic Equations Under L2(0,T;L2W)) Dirichlet Boundary Terms (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Optimization 10, pp. 275-286 (1983).
Dirichlet Boundary Stabilization of the Wave Equation with Damping Feedback (with R. Triggiani), J. Math Anal. and Appl. 87(1, pp. 112-130 (1983).
Ritz-Galerkin Approximation of Time-Optimal Boundary Control, SIAM Journal Control and Optimization 22(3, pp. 477-499, (1984).
Nondissipative Boundary Stabilization of Hyperbolic Equations with Boundary Observation (with R. Triggiani), Journal de Mathematique Pure et Applique 63, pp. 59-80 (1984).
Perturbations of the Spectrum and their Applications to Stabilization of Vibrating Strings, with J.P. McKenna, SIAM J. of Mathematical Analysis 15(6 (1984).
Convergence Estimates for Semidiscrete Approximations of Non-Selfadjoint Parabolic Equations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 21(5, pp. 894-908 (1984).
Finite Dimensional Boundary Feedback Control Problems for Linear Infinite Dimensional Systems, with W. Schappacher and W. Desh, Israel Journal of Mathematics 51(3) (1985), pp. 177-207.
Finite Rank, Relatively Bounded Perturbations of CO-Semigroups; Part I: Well Posedness and Boundary Feedback Hyperbolic Dynamics (with R. Triggiani), Annali Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa XII(4 (1985).
Approximations of Riccati Equations for Abstract Boundary Control Problems - Applications to Hyperbolic Systems, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 8(3-4, pp. 207-243 (1985).
Riccati Equations for Hyperbolic Partial Differential with L2[0,T;L2W) ] Dirichlet Boundary Terms (with R. Triggiani), SIAM Journal on Control 24(5, pp. 884-926 (1986).
Riccati Equations for Nonsymmetric and Nondissipative Hyperbolic Systems, with S. Chang, J. Math. Analysis and Applications 116(2, pp. 378-414 (1986).
Finite Rank, Relatively Bounded Perturbations of C0-Semigroups; Part II: Spectrum Allocation and Riesz Basis in Parabolic and Hyperbolic Feedback Systems (with R. Triggiani), Ann. Matem. Pura and Applic. IV CXLIH, pp. 47-100 (1986).
Non-Homogeneous Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Hyperbolic Operators, with J. L. Lions and R. Triggiani, Journal de Mathematique Pure et Applique 65, pp. 149-192 (1986).
Galerkin Approximations of Abstract Parabolic Boundary Value Problems with 'Rough' Boundary Data - Lp Theory, Math of Computations 47(175) (July 1986), pp. 55-75.
A Direct Study of Riccati Equations Arising in Hyperbolic Boundary Control Problems, with G. DaPrato and R. Triggiani, Journal of Differential Equations 64(1, pp. 26-47 (1986).
Regulator Problems for Parabolic Equations with Dirichlet Boundary Control; Riccati's Feedback Synthesis, Regularity, Galerkin Approximations, Part I (with R. Triggiani), J. Appl. Math. and Optimization 16, pp. 147-168 (1987).
Regulator Problems for Parabolic Equations with Dirichlet Boundary Control; Riccati's Feedback Synthesis, Regularity, Galerkin Approximations, Part II (with R. Triggiani), J. Appl. Math. and Optimization 16, pp. 187-217 (1987).
Uniform Exponential Energy Decay in a Bounded Region with L2(0,T;L2W)) Feedback Control in the Dirichlet Boundary Conditions (with R. Triggiani), J. Diff. Eqn. 66(3) (1987), pp. 340-390.
Exact Controllability of the Euler-Bemoulli's Equations with L2M control Only in the Dirichlet Boundary Conditions (with R. Triggiani), Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Rendiconti Classe di Scienze, fisiche, mathematiche e naturali LYXXI, pp. 35-42, (1987).
A Lifting Theorem for the Time Regularity of Solutions to Abstract Equations with Unbounded Operators and Applications to Hyperbolic Equations (with R. Triggiani), Proceedings of AMS, 104(3) (1988), pp. 745-755.
Exact Controllability of the Euler-Bernoulli Equations with Controls in the Dirichlet and Neumann Boundary Conditions -A Nonconservative Case (with R. Triggiani), SIAM J. on Control 27(2) (1989), pp. 330-374.
Regularity Theory for a Class of Nonbomogeneous Euler-Bernoulli Equations: A Cosine Operator Approach (with R. Triggiani), Bullettino Unione Matematica Italiana, 7-2B, 1988, pp. 199-228.
Regularity and Strong Convergence of a Variational Approximation to Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problems, with J. Sokolowski, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 19(3) (1988), pp. 528-540.
Boundary Stabilization of Hyperbolic and Parabolic Equations with Nonlinearly Perturbed Boundary Conditions, J. Diff. Eqn. 75(1) (1988), pp. 53-87.
Trace Regularity Results for Wave Equation with Homogenous Neumann Boundary Conditions and Compactly Supported Data (with R. Triggiani), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 141(1) (1989), pp. 49-71.
Algebraic Riccati Equations with Non-Smooth Observations Arising in Hyperbolic and Petrovsky Type Equations, with F. Flandoli and R. Triggiani, Annali di Mathemetica Pura et Applicata, (IV) 1989 CLIII, pp. 307-382.
Exact Boundary Controllability for the Wave Equation with Neumann Boundary Control (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Optimization 19(3, pp. 243-291, 1989.
Differentiability and Convergence Rates of Approximating Semigroups for Retarded Functional Differential Equations, with A. Manitius, SIAM J. on Numerical Analysis, 25(4) (1988), pp. 883-907.
Semidiscrete Approximations of Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problems with Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, with J. Sokolowski, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 20(6) (1989), pp. 1366-1387.
Exact Controllability of the Euler-Bernoulli Equation with Boundary Controls for Displacement and Moment (with R. Triggiani), Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications 146(1), (1990), pp. 1-33.
Sensitivity Analysis of Control Constrained Optimal Control Problems for Wave Equations, with J. Sokotowski, SIAM J. on Control 29(5) (1991), pp. 1128-1149.
Sharp Regularity Results for Second Order Hyperbolic Equations of Neumann Type (with R. Triggiani), Annali di Matemetica Pura et Applicata, (IV) CLVII (1990), pp. 285-367.
The Wave Equation with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, with A. Stahel, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory and Applications 15(1) (1990), pp. 39-58.
Stabilization of Wave and Plate-like Equations with Nonlinear Dissipation on the Boundary, Journal of Differential Equations 79(2) (1989), pp. 340-381.
Stabilization of the Semilinear Wave Equation with Viscous Damping, Journal of Differential Equations 86(1) (1990), pp. 73-87.
Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions of the Kirkhoff plate with Nonlinear Dissipation in the Bending Moments and Shear Forces, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Optimization 21 (1990), pp. 167-189.
Exact Controllability for Semilinear Waves and Plates, (with R. Triggiani). Journal of Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 23(2) (1991), pp. 109-155.
Approximations of solutions to infinite dimensional Algebraic Riccati Equations with unbounded input operators, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 11, (1990), pp. 303-378.
Approximation theory for Algebraic Riccati equations with unbounded input operators: The case of analytic semigroups, (with R. Triggiani), Mathematics and Computations 57(196, (199 1), pp. 639-662.
Uniform exponential energy decay of wave equations in a bounded region - without any geometric conditions, (with R. Triggiani). Journal of Applied Mathematics & Optimization 25, No. 2, (1992), pp. 189-224.
Semidiscrete Approximations of Parabolic Boundary Value Problems with Nonsmooth Boundary Date, (with G. Choudoury), Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 12(5,6 (1991), pp. 463-487.
Exact controllability and uniform stabilization of Euler-Bernoulli Equations with boundary control only in Aw (with R. Triggiani), Bull. Unione Math. Italiana (7) 5-B, (1991), pp. 665-702.
Regularity theory of hyperbolic equations with non-homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, Part II: General boundary data, with R. Triggiani) Journal Differential Equations 94 (1991), pp. 112-164.
Exponential stabilization of hyperbolic systems with nonlinear, unbounded perturbation -Riccati operator approach, Applicable Analysis 42 (1991), pp. 243-261.
Exact controllability and uniform stabilization of Kirchoff plates with boundary control only on Awl, and homogeneous boundary displacement (with R. Triggiani), Journal Differential Equations, 93(1) (1991), pp. 62-101.
Convergence rates for the approximations of the solutions to algebraic Riccati Equations with unbounded coefficients -Case of analytic semigroups, Numerische Mathematik 63 (1992), pp. 357-390.
Differential Riccati equations with unbounded coefficients: applications to boundary control/boundary observation hyperbolic problems (with R. Triggiani), Journal of Nonlinear Analysis 17(7) (1991), pp. 655-682.
Riccati Differential equations with unbounded coefficients and non-smoothing terminal condition - the case of analytic semi group (with R. Triggiani) SIAM J. Math. Analysis 23(2) (1982), pp. 449-481.
Regularization and Finite Element Approximations of the wave equation with Dirichlet boundary data (with P. Neittanmaki and J. Sokotowski) Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 24 (1990), pp. 329-353.
Optimal regularity, exact controllability and uniform stabilization of Shroedinger equation (with R. Triggiani). Journal of Differential and Integral Equations 5(3) (1992), pp. 521-535.
Existence of the solutions to Euler-Bernoulli plate model with sernilinear boundary conditions (with M. E. Bradley). Control and Cybernetics 3, pp. 28-46 (1990).
Local Exponential stabilization for a nonlinearly perturbed von Karman Plate (with M. E. Bradley). Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory and Application, 18(4) (1992), pp. 333-343.
Negative norm estimates for a fully discrete finite element approximations of the wave-equation with nonhomogeneous L2 -Dirichlet boundary data (with L. Bales), Computation of Mathematics, 64(209) (1995), pp. 89-115.
Feedback exact null controllability for unbounded control problems in Hilbert spaces (with S. Chen) Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 74(2) (1992), pp. 191-219.
Global uniform decay rates for the solutions to wave equation with nonlinear boundary conditions. Applicable Analysis 47 (1992), 191-212.
Uniform boundary stabilization of semilinear wave equation with nonlinear boundary conditions (with D. Tataru), Journal of Differential and Integral Equations, 6(3) (1993), pp. 507-533.
Exponential decay rates for the solutions of Euler-Bernoulli equations with boundary dissipation occurring in the moments only, Journal of Differential Equations, 95(1) (1992), pp. 169-182.
Algebraic Riccati Equations arising from systems with unbounded input-solution operator: Applications to boundary control problems for wave and plate equations (with R. Triggiani), Nonlinear Analysis Theory Methods and Applications, 20(6) (1993), pp. 658-695.
Galerkin approximations of infinite-dimensional compensators for flexible structures with unbounded control actions, Acta Applicandae Mathematica, 28 (1992), pp. 101-133.
Global decay rates for the solutions to a von Karman plate without geometric conditions (with M. Bradley), J. Math. Anal. & Applic. 181(1) (1994), pp. 254-276.
Continuous finite elements in space and time for the nonhomogeneous wave equation (with L. Bales), Computers and Mathematics with Applications 27(3) (1994), pp. 91-102.
Sharp trace estimates of solutions to Kirchoff and Euler-Bernoulli equations (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Optimization 28 (1993), pp. 277-306.
Uniform convergence of the solutions to Riccati Equations arising in boundary/point control problems: Stochastic Theory and Adaptive Control, LNCIS, Springer Verlag (1992), pp. 285-306.
Asymptotic behavior with respect to thickness of boundary stabilizing feedback for the Kirchoff plate (with M. A. Horn), Journal of Differential Equations 114(2), pp. 396-433 (1994).
Nonlinear boundary stabilization of a von Karman plate equation (with M. A. Horn), invited paper for Markus Festschrift. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 152 (1993), 581-605.
Abstract differential equations and nonlinear dispersive systems (with A. Favini, H. Tanabe), Differential and Integral Equations, 6(5) 1993, 995-1008.
Wellposedness and regularity of second order abstract equations arising in hyperbolic-like problems with nonlinear boundary conditions (with A. Favini), Osaka Journal of Mathematics 32, pp. 721-752 (1996).
Finite dimensionality of attractors associated with von Karman plate equations and boundary damping, Journal of Differential Equations, 117(5) 1995, 337-389.
Existence and uniqueness of the solutions to second order abstract equations with nonlinear and nonmonotone boundary conditions, Nonlinear Analysis, 23(6), 1994, 797-823.
Global stabilization of a dynamic von Karman plate with nonlinear boundary feedback (with M. A. Horn), Applied Mathematics & Optimization 31, pp. 57-84 (1995).
Regularizations and approximations of Algebraic Riccati Equations arising in hyperbolic dynamics (with E. Hendrickson), Computational Optimization and Applications 2 (1993), pp. 343-390.
Finite element approximations of compensator design for analytic generators with fully unbounded controls/observations, SIAM Journal on Control 33(1), pp. 67-88 (1995).
A robustness result for a von Karman plate (with B. Bradley), Kybernetica, 29(3) (1993), 291-304.
Uniform decay of weak solutions to a von Karman plate with nonlinear boundary dissipation (with M. A. Horn), invited paper dedicated to the memory of P. Hess, Differential and Integral Equations 7(4), pp. 885-908 (1994).
Input dynamics and nonstandard Riccati Equations (with D. Lukes, L. Pandolfi), Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, 84(3) (1995), pp. 549-574.
Compact attractors for von Kannan equations with nonlinear damping, Proceedings of Dynamical Systems and Applications 4(1), pp. 5-18 (1994).
A feedback synthesis of boundary control for a plate equation with structural damping (with D. Lukes, L. Ppandolfi), Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 4(1), 5-18 (1994).
Global existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to a von Karman System with nonlinear boundary dissipation (with A. Favini, M. A. Horn, D. Tataru), Integral and Differential Equations, 9(2), 1996, 267-294.
Local and global compact attractors arising in nonlinear elasticity -case if noncompact nonlinearity and nonlinear dissipation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 196 (1995), pp. 332-360.
Asymptomatic behavior of solutions in nonlinear dynamic elasticity (with W. Heyman), Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems. 1(2), 1995, 237-252.
Finite dimensional attractors to von Karman plate model, Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control. 7(3) (1997), pp. 251-275.
Uniform stabilization of spherical shells by boundary dissipation (with R. Triggiani and V. Valente), Advances in Differential Equations 1(4) (1996), pp. 635-674.
Abstract model and sernigroup wellposedness of spherical shells (with R. Triggiani) invited paper for Dynamical Systems and Applications 4 (1995), pp. 453-471.
Nonlinear Boundary stabilization of parallely connected Kirchhof plates (with M. A. Horn) Dynamics and Control 6, pp. 263-292, 1996.
Finite dimensional approximations of boundary control problems arising in partially observed hyperbolic systems, (with E. Hendrickson), invited paper Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 1, 1995, 101-142.
Finite dimensional attractors for von Karman systems with nonlinear dissipation and noncompact nonlinearity, invited paper for Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics, IPD, Chapter 33, pp. 307-317 (1997).
Strong stability of semigroup arising from a coupled hyperbolic/parabolic system, (with A. Avalos) Semigroup Forum 57, pp. 278-292, (1998).
Uniform boundary stabilization of a nonlinear shallow and thin spherical cap (with W. Valente), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 202, pp. 951-994 (1996).
A differential Riccati equations for the active control of a problem in structural acoustics (with A. Avalos) JOTA, 91(3), pp. 695-728 (1996).
Convergence of numerical algorithms for the approximations of Riccati equations arising in smart material acoustic structure interactions, (with E. Hendrickson) Computational Optimization and Applications 8, No. 1, pp. 73-100 (1997).
Carleman estimates and uniqueness for the system of coupled wave equations (with R. Triggiani), ZAMM, Applied Math. Mech. 76 (1996), pp. 277-281.
Abstract model and semigroup well-posedness of spherical shells with boundary dissipation (with R. Triggiani) WSSLAA, 4 (1996), pp. 453-471.
A singular control approach to highly damped second-order abstract equations and applications (with L. Pandolfi and R. Triggiani) Applied Mathematics and Optimization 36 (1997), pp. 67-107.
Exponential stability of thermoelastic system with free boundary conditions without mechanical dissipation (with G. Avalos) SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 29(1) (1998), pp. 155-182.
Exponential stability of thermoelastic system without mechanical dissipation (with G. Avalos)invited paper honoring P.Grisvard. Rendiconti Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste XXVIII, 1-28, (1997).
Uniform decay rates of solutions to a structural acoustic model with nonlinear dissipation (with G. Avalos), Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 8(2) (1998), pp. 101-127.
Uniform stabilization of a full von Karman system with nonlinear boundary feedback SIAM J. on Control 36(4) (1998), pp. 1376-1422.
Weak, classical and intermediate solutions to a system of nonlinear elasticity Applicable Analysis 68 (1998), pp. l2l-145.
Uniform decay for solutions to nonlinear shells with nonlinear dissipation (with R. Marchand), Nonlinear Analysis 30(8) (1997), pp. 5409-5418.
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to nonlinear shells in a supersonic flow (with W. Heyman), Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 20(3/4) (1999), pp. 279-300.
Controllability and stabilization of the second order hyperbolic problems with nonconstant coefficients. (with R. Triggiani and P. Yao), Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 30(1) (1997), pp. 111-122.
Riccati Equations Arising in Acoustic Structure Interactions with Curved Walls (with R. Marchand), Dynamics and Control 8 (1998), pp. 269-292.
Exact Boundary Controllability of Nonlinear Shallow Spherical Shell (with M. E. Bradley), Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 8(6) (1998), pp. 927-955.
Exact Null Controllability of Structurally Damped and Thermoelastic Parabolic Models (with R. Triggiani) invited paper for National Academy of Lincei, Rome, Section Mathematics 9(9) (1998), pp. 43-69.
Two Direct Proofs on the Analyticity of the S.C. Semigroup Arising in Abstract Thermoelastic Equations Advances in Differential Equations 3(3), pp. 387-416 (1998).
Partially Observed Analytic Systems with Fully Unbounded Actuators and Sensors (with G. Ji). Computational Optimization and Applications 11, pp. 111-134 (1998).
Mathematical Control Theory in Structural Acoustic Problems, invited paper based on Baretts Lectures. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 8(7) (1998), pp. 1119-1153.
Analyticity and Lack Thereof, of Thermoelastic Sernigroups (with R. Triggiani) ESAIM-European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 4, 199-222, 1998.
Lack of time-delay robustness for dynamic stabilization of a structural acoustic model (with G. Avalos and R. Rebarber), SIAM J. on Control 37(5) (1999), pp. 1394-1418.
Structural decomposition of thermoelastic: semigroups with rotational forces (with R. Triggiani), Semigroup Forum, 60 (2000), pp. 16-66.
Boundary stabilization of a 3-dimensional structural acoustic model, Journal de Mathematiques Pure et Applique 78, pp. 203-232, 1999.
Analyticity of semigroups arising in thermoelastic systems with coupled boundary conditions (with R. Triggiani) Abstract and Applied Analysis 3(1-2), pp. 153-169 (1998).
Analyticity of Thermo-elastic semigroups with free boundary conditions (with R. Triggiani), Annali di Scuola Normale Superiore XXVII, 1998.
Uniform decay rates for a full von Kannan system of dynamic thermoelasticity with free boundary conditions and partial dissipation. Communications on PDE's 24(9-10), pp. 1801-1849, 1999.
Nonlinear Boundary feedback Stabilization for a Semilinear Kirchhoff Plate with dissipation Acting only via Moments-Limiting Behaviour (with G. Ji) Journal Math. Anal. Applications 229, 452-479, 1999.
Finite dimensionality and compactness of attractors for Von Kannan equations with nonlinear dissipation. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (NODEA), 6, pp. 437-472, 1999.
Boundary Controllability of thermoelastic Plates via the Free Boundary Conditions (with G. Avalos), SIAM J. on Control 38, pp. 337-383, 2000.
Optimal Error Estimates for FEM approximations of dynamic nonlinear shells (with R. Marchand) Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis -M2AN 34, pp. 63-84, 2000.
Inverse Observability Estimates for second Order Hyperbolic Equations with Variable Coefficients (with R. Triggiani and P. F. Yao), Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications 225 (1999), pp. 13-57.
Exponential decay rates for a full von Karman system of dynamic thermoelasticity (with A. Baddabadellah), Journal Differential Equations 160 (2000), pp. 51-93.
Global Solvability and Uniform Decay Rates of Solutions To Quasilinear Equations with Nonlinear Boundary Dissipation (with J. Ong), Communications in Partial Differential Equations 24(11 & 12) (1999), pp. 2069-2109.
Sharp Regularity Theory for Elastic and Thermoelastic Kirchoff Equations with Free Boundary Conditions (with R. Triggiani) Rocky Mountain Journal, 20, pp. 981-1024, 2000.
A sharp trace result on a thermo-elastic plate equation with coupled hinged/Neumann boundary conditions (with R. Triggiani) Continuous and Discrete Dynamical Systems 5(3), pp. 585-598, 1999.
Analyticity, hyperbolicity and uniform stability of semigroups arising in models of composite beams (with S. Hansen) Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 10, pp. 555-580, 2000.
Finite element compensators for thermoelastic systems with boundary controls and point observations (with S. K. Chang and R. Triggiani) Numerical Functional Analysis 20(5-6), pp. 419-435, 1999.
Extended Algebraic Riccati equations in the Abstract Hyperbolic Case, (with V. Barbu and R. Triggiani) Nonlinear Analysis, 40, pp. 105-129, 2000.
Boundary stabilizability of nonlinear structural acoustic models with thermal effects on the interface (with C. Lebiedzik), C.R. Academie Science de Paris, 328, pp. 187-192, 2000.
Exponential Deacy rates For Full Von Karman Thermoelastic System with nonlinear Thermal Coupling (with A. Benabdallah), European Society Applied and Industrial Mathematics, (ESAIM)- Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations (COCV). 8, pp. 13-38, 2000.
Uniform stabilization of the quasi-linear Kirchhoff wave equation with a nonlinear boundary feedback - invited paper in honor of J. Gutenbaum, Control and Cybernetics, 29(1) (2000), pp. 171-197.
Uniform stability in structural acoustic systems with thermal effects and nonlinear boundary conditions (with C. Lebiedzik)-invited paper for special volume Control and Cybernetics 28(3), pp. 557-581, 1999.
Backward uniqueness for thermoelastic plates with rotational forces (with M. Renardy and R. Triggiani), Semigroup Forum 62 (2001), pp. 217-242.
Optimization problems for structural acoustic models with thermoelasticity and smart materials Discussiones Mathematicae -Differential Inclusions 20, pp. 113-140, 2000.
Wellposedness of a structural acoustic control model with point observation of the pressure (with G. Avalos and R. Rebarber), Journal Differential Equations 173 (2001), pp. 40-78.
Uniform decay properties of a model in structural acoustic (with G. Avalos and R. Rebarber), Journal de Mathematiques Pure et Appliques 79(10) (2000), pp. 1057-1072.
Exact-approximate boundary reachability for thermoelastic plates under variable thermal coupling (with G. Avalos), Inverse Problems 16 (2000), pp. 479-996.
Decay rates of interactive hyperbolic parabolic PDE models with thermal effects on the interface (with C. Lebiedzik), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Optimization 42 (2000), pp. 127-167.
Simultaneous exact controllability of thermoelastic plates with variable thermal coefficients and clamped/Dirichlet boundary controls (with M. Eller and R. Triggiani), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 7(2) (2001), pp. 283-302.
Asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear structural acoustic interactions with thermal effects on the interface (with C. Lebiedzik) Nonlinear Analysis, 49, pp. 703-735, 2002.
Simultaneous exact-approximate boundary controllability of thermo-elastic plates with variable thermal coefficients and moment control (with M. Eller and R. Triggiani). Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 251, pp. 452-478, 2000.
Unique continuation result for thermoelastic plates (with M. Eller and R. Triggiani), Inverse and Ill posed Problems, 9(2) (2001), pp. 109-148.
Factor spaces and implications on Kirchhoff equations with clamped boundary conditions (with R. Triggiani), Abstract and Applied Analysis, 6(8) (2002).
Singular estimates and uniform stability of coupled systems of hyperbolic/parabolic PDE's (with F. Bucci and R. Triggiani), Abstract and Applied Analysis 71 (2002), 169-237.
Uniform stabilization of a shallow shell model with nonlinear boundary feedback (with R. Triggiani), Journal Mathematical Analysis Applications 269 (2002), 642-688.
Hadamard wellposedness of weak solutions in nonlinear dynamic elasticity-full von Karman systems (with H. Koch), Evolution Equations, Semigroups, and Functional Analysis, Vol. 50 in Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations, Birkhäuser, pp. 197-217, 2002.
Optimal regularity of elastic and thermoelastic Kirchhoff plates with clamped boundary control (with R. Triggiani), Proceedings of Oberwolfach Conference on Optimal Control of Complex Structures, June 2000 ISNM, Birkhäuser, 130, pp. 171-182, 2001.
On the attractor for a semilinear wave equation with critical exponent and nonlinear boundary dissipation (with I. Chueshov and M. Eller), Communications on Partial Differential Equations 27 (2002), 1901-1951.
Optimal control and differential Riccati equations under singular estimates for eAtB in the absence of analyticity (with R. Triggiani), Advances in Dynamics and Control, CRC Press, pp. 271-301, 2004.
Exact boundary controllability of a hybrid PDE system arising in structural acoustic modeling (with G. Avalos), Advances in Dynamics and Control, CRC Press, pp. 155-175, 2004.
Finite dimensionality and regularity of attractors for a 2-d semilinear wave equation with nonlinear dissipation (with A. Ruzmaikina), Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 270, pp. 16-50, 2002.
Strong stability of elastic control systems with dissipative saturating feedback (with T. Seidman), Systems and Control Letters , special volume dedicated to memory of J. L. Lions, 48, pp. 243-352, 2003.
Sharp regularity of the second time derivative wtt to solutions of Kirchhoff equations with clamped boundary conditions (with R. Triggiani), Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 11 (2001), pp. 753-773.
The dynamical Lame system: regularity of solutions, boundary controllability and boundary continuation data (with M. Belishev), ESAIM: Calculus of Variations, to appear in a special volume dedicated to memory of J. L. Lions 8 (2002), pp. 143-167.
Uniform stability in structural acoustic models with flexible curved walls (with J. Cagnol, C. Lebiedzik, J. P. Zolesio), Journal Differential Equations 186 (2002), pp. 88-121.
Exponential decay rates for structural acoustic model with an overdamping at the interface and boundary layer dissipation (with F. Bucci), Applicable Analysis 7 (2002), pp. 169-237.
Inertial manifolds for Von Karman Evolutions (with I. Chueshov), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Optimization, special volume dedicated to J. L. Lions 46 (2002), pp. 179-206.
Exact controllability of structural acoustic interactions (with G. Avalos), Journal de Mathematiques Pure et Applique 82 (2003), pp. 1047-1073.
Carleman estimates for a plate equation on a Riemann manifold with energy level terms (joint with R. Triggiani and P. F. Yao). Analysis and Applications, pp. 199-237, 2003. Kluwer.
The case of differential geometry in the control of single and coupled PDE's, (joint with B. Gulliver, W. Littman and R. Triggiani), IMA volume Geometric Methods in Inverse Problems and Control, pp. 73-181, Springer Verlag, 2003.
Determining functionals for a class of second order in time evolution equations with applications to von Karman equations (with I. Chueshov), Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 109-123, 2003.
Wellposedness of optimal control problems for systems with unbounded controls and partially analytic generators. Control and Cybernetics, invited paper, 31(3) (2002), pp. 751-777.
Optimal blowup rates for the minimal energy null control of the strongly damped abstract wave equation (with G. Avalos), Annali di Scuola Normale Superiore, Ser. V, II , pp. 601-616, 2003.
L2 regularity of the boundary ® operator B*L for hyperbolic and Petrowski PDE's (with R. Triggiani). Abstract and Applied Analysis 19 (2003), pp. 1061-1139.
The operator B<sup*< sup="">L</sup*<> for the wave equation with Dirichlet control (with R. Triggiani), Abstract and Applied Analysis 7, pp. 625-634, 2004.
Boundary controllability of a coupled wave/Kirchoff system (with G. Avalos and R. Rebarber), Systems and Control Letters, 50, pp. 331-341, 2003.
Global uniqueness, observability and stabilization of non-conservative Schrödinger equations via pointwise Carleman's estimates -Part I H1 estimates (with R. Triggiani and X. Zhang), Journal of Inverse and Ill Posed Problems 12(1), pp. 1-81, 2004.
Global uniqueness, observability and stabilization of non-conservative Schrödinger equations via pointwise Carleman's estimates, Part II: L2 estimates (with R. Triggiani and X. Zhang), Journal of Inverse and Ill Posed Problems 11, pp. 43-123, 2004.
Global attractors for von Karman evolutions with a nonlinear boundary dissipation (with I. Chueshov), Journal Differential Equations 198 (2004), pp. 196-229.
Mechanical and thermal null controllability of thermoelastic plates and singularity of the associated minimal energy function, (with G. Avalos), invited paper in honor of K. Malanowski, Control and Cybernetics 32 (2003), pp. 473-490.
Singular estimates and Riccati theory for thermoelastic plate models with boundary thermal control (with F. Bucci), Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 1 (2004), pp. 545-568.
The null controllability of thermoelastic plates and singularity of the associated minimal energy function (with G. Avalos), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 294 (2004), pp. 34-62.
Attractors for second order equations with nonlinear damping (with I. Chueshov), Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, to appear in the special volume dedicated to Shui-Nee Chow (SNC ume) 16 (2004), pp. 469-515.
Asymptotic rates and blowup for the minimal energy function for the null controllability of thermoelastic plates: The free case (with G. Avalos), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, 242 (2005), pp. 1-20.
Attractors and their structure for semilinear wave equations with nonlinear boundary dissipation (with I. Chueshov and M. Eller), invited paper for Buletin de Socieda Paramanese de Matematica 22(1) (2004), pp. 38-57.
Carleman estimates at the H1 and L2 level for nonconservative Schrödinger equations with unobserved Neumann B.C. (with R. Triggiani and X. Zhang), Archives of Inequalities and Applications 2 (2004), pp. 215-339.
Kolmogorov's entropy for a class of invariant sets and dimension of global attractors for second order equations with nonlinear damping (with I. Chueshov), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, 242 (2005), pp. 50-71.
Finite dimensionality of the attractor for a semilinear wave equation with nonlinear boundary dissipation (with I. Chueshov and M. Eller), Communications in Partial Differential Equations 25(11-12) (2004), pp. 1847-1876.
On nonlinear wave equations with degenerate damping and source terms (with V. Barbu and M. Rammaha), Transactions of American Mathematical Society 357 (2005), pp. 2571-2611.
Global exact controllability of semilinear wave equations by a double compactness/uniqueness argument (with R. Triggiani), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (2005), pp. 556-566.
A trace regularity result for thermoelastic equations with applications to optimal boundary control (with P. Acquistapace and F. Bucci), Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 310 (2005), pp. 262-277.
Tangential boundary stabilization of Navier Stokes equation in 3-dimensional bounded domain (with V. Barbu and R. Triggiani), Memoirs of American Mathematical Society, 181 (2005), pp. 1-25.
Exact controllability of finite energy states for an acoustic wave/plate interaction under the influence of bound�ary and localized controls (with G. Avalos), Advances in Differential Equations 10(8) (2005), pp. 901-930.
Existence and uniqueness of solutions to wave equations with nonlinear degenerate damping and source terms (with V. Barbu and M. Ranunaha), Control and Cybernetics, special volume dedicated to C. Olech, 34(3) (2005).
Optimal boundary control and Riccati theory for abstract dynamics motivated by hybrid systems of PDE's (with P. Acquistapace and F. Bucci), Advances in Differential Equations, 10 (2005), pp. 1389-1436.
Abstract settings for tangential boundary stabilization of Navier-Stokes equations by high- and low-gain feedback controllers (with V. Barbu and R. Triggiani), Nonlinear Analysis, 64 (2006), pp. 2704-2747.
Sharp uniform decay lates at the L2(Ω)-level of the Schrödinger equation with nonlinear boundary dissipation, Journal of Evolutions Equations, to appear.
Long-time behavior of second-order evolution equations with nonlinear damping (with I. Chueshov), Memoirs AMS, to appear 2008.
Existence, uniqueness of weak solutions and global attractors for a class of nonlinear 2D Kirchhoff-Boussineq models (with I. Chueshov), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 15 (2006), pp. 1-34.
Energy decay rates for semilinear wave equation with nonlinear localized damping and source terms (with D. Toundykov), Nonlinear Analysis, 64 (2006), pp. 1757-1797.
Long time dynamics of von Karman semi-flow with nonlinear boundary interior damping (with I. Chueshov), JDE, 233 (2007), 42-86.
Uniqueness and continuous dependence on the initial data for a class of non-linear shallow shell problems (with J. Cagnol, C. Lebiedzik, R. Marchand), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, ser I 342(9) (2006), pp. 711-716.
Blowup estimates for observability of thermoelastic systems (with T. Seidman), Asymptotic Analysis, 50 (2006), 93-120.
Global attractor to a composite system of nonlinear wave and plate equation (with F. Bucci and I. Chueshov), Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 6 (2007), 113-140.
Local exponential stabilization strategies of the Navier Stokes equations, D = 2,3, via feedback stabilization of its linearization (with V. Barbu and R. Triggiani), Proceedings of Oberwolfach Conference, Birkhauser-Verlag, 155 (2007), 13-47.
Global attractors for Mindlin-Timoshenko plates and for their Kirchhoff limits (with I. Chueshov), invited paper, Milan J. of Mathematics 99 (2006), 1-22.
Blow-up of generalized solutions to wave equations with nonlinear degenerate damping and source terms (with V. Barbu and M. Rammaha), Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 56 (2007), 995-1021.
Hadamard wellposedness for a class of non-linear shallow shell problems (with J. Cagnol, C. Lebiedzik, and R. Marchand), Nonlinear Analysis, 67 (2007), 2452-2484.
Long time dynamics of semilinear wave equation with nonlinear damping and critical exponents (with I. Chueshov), Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, 426 (2007), 153-193.
Gevrey's and trace regularity of a semigroup associated with beam equation and non-monotone boundary conditions (with B. Velinskiy), Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications 332(1) (2007), 137-154.
Riccati equations for the Bolza problem arising in boundary/point control problems governed by semigroups satisfying a singular estimate (with A. Tuffaha), Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, 136 (2008), 229-246.
Wellposedness and optimal decay rates for wave equations with nonlinear boundary damping-source interaction (with M. Cavalcanti and V. Domingos), Journal of Differential Equations 235 (2007), 407-459.
Backward uniqueness in linear thermoelasticity with time and space variable coefficients (with H. Koch), Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations, Gunter Lumer Volume (2007), 389-403.
Existence of the energy level weak solutions for a nonlinear fluid-structure interaction model (with V. Barbu, Z. Grujic, A. Tuffaha), AMS Contemporary Mathematics, 440 (2007), 55-83.
Riccati equations arising in boundary control of fluid structure interactions (with A. Tuffaha), Int. Journal of Computer Science and Mathematics, invited paper for the inaugural issue, 1 (2007), 128-147.
Long term dynamics of semilinear wave equation with nonlinear localized interior damping and a source term of critical exponent (with I. Chueshov and D. Toundykov), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 20 (2008), 459-509.
Smoothness of weak solutions to a nonlinear fluid-structure interaction model (with V. Barbu, Z. Grujic, and A. Tuffaha), Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 57(3) (2008), 1173-1207.
Stability of higher-level energy norms of strong solutions to a wave equation with localized nonlinear damping and a nonlinear source term (with D. Toundykov), Control and Cybernetics, invited paper in honor of S. Rolewicz, 36(3) (2007), 681-711.
Attractors and long time behavior of von Karman thermoelastic plates (with I. Chueshov), Applied Mathematics and Optimization, to appear 2008.
Uniqueness of weak solutions for the semilinear wave equations with supercritical boundary/interior sources and damping (with L. Bociu), Discrete and Cont. Dyn. Systems, 22(4) (2008), 835-860.
Regularity of higher energies of wave equation with nonlinear localised damping and a nonlinear source (with D. Toundykov), Nonlinear Analysis, 69 (2008), 898-910.
Uniform energy decay rates of hyperbolic equations with nonlinear boundary and interior dissipation (with R. Triggiani), invited ppaer for special issue C&C Control Journal of Polish Academy of Sciences, in honor of J. P. Zolesio, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 832-966 (2008).
Uniform energy decay for a wave equation with partially supported nonlinear boundary dissipation without growth restrictions (with M. Daoulatli and D. Toundykov), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 67-94 (2009).
Linear Hyperbolic and Petrowski type PDE's with continuous boundary control-boundary observation open loop map: Implication on nonlinear boundary stabilization with optimal decay rates (with R. Triggiani), invited paper in memory of L. S. Sobolev, Sobolev Spaces, Applications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Verlag, pp. 187-277 (2008).
Blow-up of weak solutions for the semilinear wave equations with nonlinear boundary a nd interior sources and damping (with L. Bociu), invited paper, Applicationes Mathematicae, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 281-304 (2008).
Higher regularity of a coupled-hyperbolic fluid-structure interactive system (with G. Avalos and R. Triggiani), Georgian Mathematical Journal, in honor of J. L. Lions, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 403-437 (2008).
Uniform energy decay rates of hyperbolic equations with nonlinear boundary and interior dissipation (with R. Triggiani), invited paper in honor of J. P. Zolesio, Control and Cybernetics, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 935-969 (2008).
Existence and exponential decay of solutions to a quasilinear thermoelastic plate system (with S. Maad and A. Sasane), Nonlinear Differential Equations (NODEA), Vol. 15, pp. 689-715 (2008).
Exact controllability of a 3D piezoelectric body (with B. Miara), C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. 1, Vol. 347, pp. 167-172 (2009).
Riccati theory and singular estimates for Bolza control problems arising in linearized fluid structure interactions (with A. Tuffaha), Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 58, pp. 499-509 (2009).
Optimal feedback synthesis for Bolza control problems arising in linearized fluid structure interaction (with A. Tuffaha), Birkhäuser-Verlag, Oberwofach, Vol. 158, pp. 171-190 (2009).
Global attractor for a wave equation with nonlinear localized boundary damping and a source terms of critical exponent (with I. Chueshov and D. Toundykov), Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 21, pp. 269-314 (2009).
Global existence and exponential decay rates for the Westervelt equation (with B. Kaltenbacher), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 503-523 (2009).
Bolza optimal synthesis problem for singular estimate control systems (with A. Tuffaha), Control and Cybernetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol. 38, pp. 1430-1460, 2009.
Optimal boundary control with critical penalization for a PDE model of fluid-solid interactions (with F. Bucci), Calculus of Variations and PDE's, to appear 2009.
Beyond lack of compactness and lack of stability of a coupled parabolic-hyperbolic fluid-structure system (with G. Avalos and R. Triggiani), International Series of Numerical Mathematics, invited paper in honor of Peter Lax, Vol. 158, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland (2009), pp. 1-33.
Strong stability of nonlinear semigroups with weak dissipation and non-compact resolvent, applications to structural acoustics (with Y. Lu), Applicable Analysis, Vol. 89, Nr. 1 (2010), pp. 87-107.
Regularity of boundary traces for a fluid-solid interaction model (with F. Bucci), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 4, pp. 505-521, 2011.
The fluid-structure interaction model with both control and disturbance at the interface: A game theory problem via an abstract approach (with R. Triggiani and J. Zhang), invided paper for Applicable Analysis, Vol. 90,pp. 961-999, 2011.
Local Hadamard well-posedness for nonlinear wave equations with supercritical sources and damping (with L. Bociu), Journal of Differential Equations 249 (2010) pp. 654-683.
Wellposedness and exponential decay for the Westervelt equation with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary data (with B. Kaltenbacher and S. Veljovic), Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications, Herbert Amann Festschrift. Springer Basel AG 60 (2011), pp. 357-387.
On global attractor for 2D Kirchhoff-Boussinesq model with supercritical nonlinearity (with I. Chueshov), Communications in Partial Differential Equations 36 (2011), pp. 67-99.
Asymptotic stability of finite energy in Navier-Stokes elastic wave interaction (with Y. Lu), Semigroup Forum 82 (2011), pp. 61-82.
Sensitivity analysis of hyperbolic optimal control problems (with A. Kowalewski and J. Sokolowski), Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 52(1), pp. 147-181, 2012.
Well-posedness of the Westervelt and the Kuznetsov equation with nonhomogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Supplement 2011, pp. 763-773, 2011.
Cell protrusions and tethers: A unified approach (with K. Ley and M. Pospieszalska), Biophysical Journal, Vol. 100, pp. 1697-1707, 2011.
Wave equation with damping affecting only a subset of static Wentzell boundary is uniformly stable (with M. Cavalcanti and D. Toundykov), Transactions of American Mathematical Society, Vol. 364(11), pp. 5693-5713, 2012.
Uniform decay rates for the energy of weakly damped defocusing semilinear Schrödinger equations with inhomogenuous Dirichlet boundary control (with V. Kalantarov and T. Ozsari), Journal Differential Equations, Vol. 251(7), pp. 1841-1863, 2011.
The unique continuation property of eigenfunctions to Stokes-Oseen operator is generic with respect to the coefficients (with V. Barbu), Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 75(12), pp. 4384-4397, 2012.
Generation of bounded semigroups in nonlinear subsonic flow-structure interactions with boundary dissipation (with J. Webster), to appear, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, published online, December 2011.
An analysis of nonhomogeneous Kuznetsov's equation: Local and global well-posedness; exponential decay (with Barbara Kaltenbacher), to appear (as editors choice), Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 285(2-3), pp. 295-321, 2012.
Interface feedback control stabilization of a nonlinear fluid-structure interaction (with Y. Lu), Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 75, pp. 1449-1460, 2012.
Asymptotic stability of finite energy in Naveri-Stokes elastic wave interaction (with Y. Lu), Semigroup Forum, Vol. 82, pp. 61-82, 2011.
Generation of a semigroup and hidden regularity in nonlinear subsonic flow-structure interactions with absorbing boundary conditions (with I. Chueshov), Journal of Abstract Differential Equations and Applications (JADEA), Vol. 7(1), pp. 1-27, 2011.
Boundary Control and Hidden Trace Regularity of a Semigroup Associated with a Beam Equation and Non-Dissipative Boundary Conditions (with T. McDevitt and R. Marchand), Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 21, pp. 467-490, 2012.
Well-posedness and exponential decay of the energy in the nonlinear Jordan-Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation arising in high intensity ultrasound (with B. Kaltenbacher and M. Pospieszalska), Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 22(11), 34 pages, 2012.
Maximal regularity and global existence of solutions to a quasilinear thermoelastic plate system (with M. Wilke) , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Festchrift for J. Goldstein, to appear 2012.
Geometrically constrained stabilization of wave equation with Wentzell boundary conditions (with M. Cavalcanti and D. Toundykov), Applicable Analysis, 91(8), pp. 1427-1452, 2012.
Stabilization of a fluid structure interaction with nonlinear damping (with Y. Lu), invited paper for the Special Issue dedicated to Prof. T. Kaczorek, Control and Cybernetics, 42(1) (2013), pp. 155-181.
Well-posedness and long time behavior in nonlinear dissipative hyperbolic-like evolutions with critical exponents (with I. Chueshov), SISSA Lecture Notes, to appear AIMS, 2013.
Smooth attractors of finite dimension for von Karman evolutions with nonlinear frictional damping localized in a boundary layer (with P. Geredeli and J. Webster ), Journal Differential Equations, 254 (2013), pp. 1193-1229.
A theory of the infinite horizon LQ problem for composite systems of PDEs with boundary control (with P. Acquistapace and F. BuccI), to appear in SIAM J. Math. Analysis.
Evolution semigroups in supersonic flow-plate interactions (with I. Chueshov and J. Webster), to appear Journal Differential Equations, 254 (2013), pp. 1741-1773.
On well-posedness for a free boundary fluid-structure model (with M. Ignatowa, I. Kukavica and A. Tuffaha), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53 (2013).
Note on intrinsic decay rates for abstract wave equations with memory (with S. Messaoudi amd M. Mustafa), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54 (2013).
Asymptotic analysis and upper semicontinuity with respect to rotational inertia of attractors to von Karman plates with geometrically localized dissipation and critical nonlinearity (with P. Geredeli), Nonlinear Analysis, 2013.